These Gold and Platinum Recordings were mastered in Steve's brand new, custom built, state-of-the-art recording studio. Steve's recording studio is staffed by his team of full time college graduate sound engineers who have prior experience working on feature films.

by Steve G. Jones - Clinical Hypnotherapist.

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Inductions & deepenings
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Binaural beats/tones
Stereo Imaging
NLP Future Pacing
NLP Analog Marking
Running time (approx)
1 hour

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If you would like a CD, just purchase the MP3 and email us your shipping address and we will mail it to you within 24hrs at no extra charge! (U.S. and Canada Only!)

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Remember, If you would like a CD, just purchase the MP3 and email us your shipping address and we will mail it to you within 24hrs at no extra charge! (U.S. and Canada Only!)

Steve G. Jones charges $25,000 for a private session at his office, but you can get all the benefits for this low price. Simply listen to the program every night as you go to bed for three weeks and feel the changes happening in your life. You will feel more empowered, more in touch with your true self, and you will truly know that your goals are within your reach.

This is the same hypnotic technique he uses with doctors, business professionals and Hollywood actors to achieve AMAZING results!!! Hypnosis is the easiest way to affect change in your life because the positive messages go straight to your subconscious mind effortlessly so you can accomplish your goals and reach for the stars!!

All you have to do is listen to the program at night as you go to sleep!!! You'll hear soft music and the soothing sound of Steve G. Jones' voice all working together to bring about positive changes in your life easily and naturally.

Steve G. Jones has been helping people improve their lives with hypnosis for over 17 it's time for him to help YOU.. don't wait, do it NOW !!! you'll be glad you did. See you at the top!

Steve G. Jones achieves AMAZING and LASTING results!!!
It's easier than you think. You'll see a new you and you'll feel great about it!!!

Instant Access
Purchase Online with Credit Card by Secure Server

Don't Forget, If you would like a CD, just purchase the MP3 and email us your shipping address and we will mail it to you within 24hrs at no extra charge! (U.S. and Canada Only!)

Steve G. Jones is a graduate of the University of Florida and is certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist by the National Guild of Hypnotists and the American Board of Hypnotherapy.
This program was recorded and mastered in a professional recording studio in GA by world-class engineers using state-of-the-art digital technology.

Copyright © 2013 Statbrook Associates, LLC


At present, humanity on Earth has 2-strands of DNA in the cells of the body. Light (information) that expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is encoded within DNA. You will recalibrate your energetic being with theta brainwave hypnosis. The DNA Activation will download your 12 strand heritage of your Divine blueprint.
Our galaxy, sun and planet is shifting into more light and vibration. Everything in the Universe vibrates. It is with keeping in these cosmic changes of nature to vibrate in our natural state of Being. Remembering our true Divine blueprint.
An awakening of a new paradigm of the heart is taking place. Going with the growing of this new shift is a personal choice. Understanding and learning about DNA Activation is an initial step to remembering your Divine Self and opening to the higher heart vibration. It is a theta brainwave quantum energy application that will re-train the brain back to source memory. Let me explain in more scientific terms.
Obrazac za rastavu braka pdf files. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could be described as the polarities of human consciousness. This is also the reason that human consciousness goes from light to dark. Through the 12-strand DNA Activation, 10 additional strands are activated in the body cells.
The additional DNA strands are of magnetic, multi-dimensional nature and cannot be detected by present scientific equipment. We assume from testing and response that the changes initially occur in the etheric body. These additional DNA strands trigger the countless number of cellular activities necessary to change our dense physical carbon body into a physical-etheric crystalline body and change our energy fields.

It is said that 97% of DNA is non-functioning. For numerous people with awakened consciousness, this dormant material is considered as a living data storage containing the instruction sets for our greater human potential.


What is coded within our secret vault is a potential so vast that it boggles the mind to think that something so profound could be so accessible. Simply by shifting our perceptions, by coming into a new way to define our personal reality, we can override the carbon framework at the level of the nucleic acid bases in the DNA.

Leading scientists are proving that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell. This includes the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts.

The bottom line here is that our thoughts and feelings directly affect our DNA. Positive shifts of perception and new feeling states trigger DNA activation. Moreover, when we consciously engage with the living intelligence of DNA, it gets majorly stimulated and starts pushing out the greater potential that is held within the latent code.

Just as we are merely sequences of a four letter code (ATCG), the basis of life is very simple. We change and transform all the time. We are constantly redefining ourselves. From every one of these consciousness shifts, we are literally changing our code.

Bruce Lipton, Stem Cell Biologist is now on the forefront of the new science of epigenetics. His breakthrough research and discoveries have bridged Quantum Physics with cell biology in the communication of DNA through mind and matter.

We have the ability to change in the wink of an eye if we can truly grasp these ideas and start acting from the full knowing of our higher capabilities.

Our DNA programs are like snakes shedding old skins; we are constantly releasing old encodings. These encodings are merely stored impressions that can be reprogrammed.

As we shift our perceptions, cell biology changes. Our vibration increases and the DNA base letters rearrange. BRUCE LIPTON VIDEO

Everything on the planet is in great change. Electromagnetic currents are altering, the magnetic fields are shifting and many things are no longer being held down in their familiar place. We are getting unlocked!

This brings tremendous change to the biological body and the entire structure of our DNA encodement. It is these additional strands of DNA that trigger the change of our total being into an Ascension Vehicle that will carry us into the fifth dimension. This is the reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if DNA is the link to the Higher Self and the Soul and RNA would be the soul’s response.

Through this DNA upgrade process, awareness is brought into the consciousness and Intention is set into motion. To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as DNA. This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every moment. Integration of the Higher-Divine-Self into physical form.

You can refer to it as retraining the brain, heart and mind, deleting old programs of limitation. John deere excavator serial number decoder. Expanding your being into the unlimited field of possibility. You are the integrated Creator of your hologram reality, Remembering your Divinity.

This means activating our complete 12 strand DNA blueprint, thus being able to change the angular rotation of particle spin within every particle and sub-atomic particle that makes up our bodies to be able to ascend to another dimension. Yet right now most of humanity has only 3 to 3.5 of DNA strands activated allowing a maximum of 3 dimensions of consciousness.
The reason for limited DNA activation is due to the fact that since pre-ancient history humanity has been exposed to excessive genetic manipulation and the energy fragmentations of the Earth’s grids have caused the remaining higher DNA strands to remain dormant. This has kept humanity locked in dimensions 1-3 for thousands of years. Most humans have forgotten who they are as Co-Creators of reality, god-like beings with unlimited creative potential and multidimensional awareness. We are returning from the higher realms of where we came.
Free 12 Strand Dna Activation
I have been performing DNA Activations for 10 years when the information was downloaded, before many heard about this technique. As I have worked with hundreds of clients from all over the world and different cultures, I am consistently upgrading and improving the process as more information is downloaded. As the revolution of Collective consciousness expands and increases, we as a species receive more education and unveilings of quantum physics, quantum entanglement and epigenetics.
Our consciousness and galactic exploration continue to expand. As I continually tap into this source consciousness, I received guidance to upgrade this DNA process with client collaboration. I introduced visualization and intention focusing on involving client participation. This seems to create more instant results that have been more powerful using the power of two. The more sessions you do with the DNA activation, the more you remember your Divine blueprint and Trust the Divine Plan.
This process can also guide you towards the Ancestral DNA Purification process if that resonates with you. An educational Self-Healing and Mastership Maintenance Program are also available to continue the purification of your Vessel to quicken the Ascension process. I am in service to guide you towards Self-Healing in body, mind & soul. This is my soul’s mission to assist in Planetary Awakening.
3rd DNA StrandThe Meaning of the Third Strand DNA Activation is to release the death programming.
4th DNA StrandThe Meaning and Function of the Fourth Strand DNA Activation is the fifth dimensional light filter on the Third Eye is dissolved. Additional information flows into our conscious mind allowing life to be experienced multi-dimensionally as we embody our Soul Identity. Through massive light absorption our cells remember their Divine Perfection.
5th DNA StrandThe Meaning and Function of the Fifth Strand DNA Activation-the fifth dimensional filter on the heart chakra is dissolved. We have the ability to heal ourselves and others, spontaneously and instantaneously as Divine Love and Truth radiate from our every cell. We connect to the Higher Heart.

13 Strands Of Dna

6th DNA StrandThe Meaning and Function of the Sixth Strand DNA Activation-the Light language from the sixth dimension continues to feed information to the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric being remembering our life purpose.
7th DNA StrandThe Meaning and Function of the Seventh DNA Activation is in connection with the Sixth Strand through the Heart chakra and Pineal gland. We now embody our Oversoul Identity with our heart-mind fusion.

12 Strand Dna Humans

8th DNA StrandThe Meaning and Function of the Eighth Strand DNA Activation- The Light Language of the seventh dimension feeds more information into the body cells regarding transformation into a physical-etheric being. We are now receiving instructions directly from the quantum Christ Realm.
9th DNA Strand-The Meaning and Function of the Ninth DNA Activation-The seventh dimension light filter on the Heart Chakra is dissolved. This ensures that the information we access through our Third Eye is expressed through actions of unconditional love. We now remember that we are conscious healing masters of our emotional body.

Free 12 Strand Dna Activation Software

10th DNA StrandThe Meaning and Function of the Tenth Strand DNA Activation-your Ascension Vehicle activates. In the Seventh Dimension Activation, the North and South Poles opened to the flow of quantum Christ energy surrounding the body. Your individual Ascension Vehicle is now completely formed.

Free 12 Strand Dna Activation Test

11th DNA StrandThe Meaning and Function of the Eleventh DNA Activation-A Planetary Ascension Vehicle has also formed around Mother Earth. Now, as the 11th strand activates, lines of light connect your Individual Ascension Vehicle to mother earth’s from your North Pole to Earth’s North Pole and from your South Pole to Earth’s South Pole. We now embody our Avatar Identity.

Free 12 Strand Dna Activation Download

12th DNA StrandThe Meaning and Function of the Twelfth DNA Activation-As the 12th strand activates, your Individual Ascension Vehicle is charged by a continuous flow of electro-magnetic energy through the poles from the Planetary Ascension Vehicle. We live, breathe, think, and feel as ONE. We enter into Unity Consciousness.